Sun Chara recently sold her western historical romance, Gamblin' Lady, to the wonderful Chris Keeslar editor-in-chief at Boroughs Publishing Group. It should be coming out sometime in April.
Welcome Sun Chara, so glad to have you here today. I enjoyed your entry, Manhattan Millionaire's Cinder Girl. Overall, how would you rate your experience with So You think You Can Write Global 2012?
Exhausting but exhilarating!
We were required to upload the first chapter as our entry in SYTYCW. Is that chapter still in its original form or has it gone through more revisions?
The chapter remains in its original form…had revised about a dozen times prior to entering contest.
How about the rest of the book? Is it finished? Going through more revisions?
The book is finished. Of course, if/when an editor requests revisions, then I will revise once again.
Any thoughts on submitting your entry to another publisher or agent?
Of course, the object is to sell…my first choice is Harlequin!
How long have you been writing?
Ever since I can remember, but it’s been over 12 years.
Have you ever entered a contest like this one before?
Yes. I entered The New Voices Contest and an earlier SYTYCW contest. The 2012 SYTYCW was the easiest to navigate, and the best so far…fabulous opportunity, thanks to Harlequin!
Yes, I agree. I think it's a wonderful opportunity and there aren't many publishers that help new authors as much as Harlequin. What are your thoughts about the promotional aspect of the contest?
Great! Gives writers the opportunity to get their work & name out there…when they sell, these new friends celebrate with them. It’s also great for the publisher, because it reminds the public of the world-renown Harlequin brand…creates an exciting buzz all around the world!
If you had to do it over again, what would you do differently, if anything?
Be more social media prepared. As for the work itself – can’t think of anything right now I’d do differently. (If anyone has any suggestions, please tell!) I gave it my all this time around, and loved it! Because this business is so subjective, it’s not a good idea to try to outguess the what ifs… Always go with your gut and send in that story…and let the chips fall where they may.
I love your thoughts on the subjective aspect. I couldn't have said it better myself, and we are wise to keep it in mind. What are you working on now?
Am working on completing the manuscript on partial I submitted to Harlequin Kiss from the SYTYCW 2012 contest request. This is a new one, and not the one that finaled…although I have a soft spot in my heart for, Manhattan Millionaire’s Cinder Girl.
Where can we find you on the Web?
https://www.facebook.com/sunchara3 https://twitter.com/sunchara3
Terrific interview! Congratulations on your sale to Boroughs, Sun. Best of luck my friend. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Lorraine! Wish you the greatest news on your current releases and on your HA submission!
DeleteCongratulations on your sale to Boroughs!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Patricia!
DeleteJust popped in, so if anyone has any other questions, please ask away, and I'd be happy to answer best I can. Thanks for visiting everyone!
ReplyDeleteI was interested to see that you sold a western historical. What other genres so you write in and what is your favorite?
ReplyDeleteI write romantic suspense, and of course category romance. My favorite is Harlequin Presents classic romances.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to thank you Maria for this wonderful opportunity to visit your blog...really enjoyed it!
I'll be checking in now and then to see if there are other comments/questions. Good to stay in touch!